NYP – Iryna Wood, founder of Gemini Near Me
26 September 2024
Fab World Today about Gemini Near Me
30 September 2024Iryna Wood Of Gemini Near Me On How To Navigate Our Complicated Modern World To Find Love
Lack of self-love and self-appreciation — I’ve had many clients who, during individual therapy, were looking to meet their destiny. I used my signature method of creating an archetypal portrait of the client, and as they increased their self-worth, a love partner naturally entered their life without needing any special tools.
Intoday’s fast-paced and interconnected world, finding and maintaining meaningful romantic relationships can be a daunting task. From navigating dating apps to managing expectations in a digital age, there are numerous challenges individuals face in their quest for love. Through this series, we would like to explore the complexities of modern dating and relationships, offering insights, advice, and strategies for navigating the often confusing landscape of love in the 21st century. In this series, we are talking to experts in psychology, relationship coaching, sociology, matchmaking, and individuals with personal experiences navigating the modern dating scene, to share their knowledge, perspectives, and stories. As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Iryna Wood.
Iryna Wood is a Ukrainian-born entrepreneur and spiritual coach with a deep passion for self-discovery and personal growth. She has earned two master’s degrees and has traveled the world, studying under spiritual mentors and immersing herself in astrology, numerology, and healing practices. Now living in the USA, Iryna continues to counsel others on relationships and self-love while also being the founder of Gemini Near Me app, which she co-created to help people navigate their personal journeys.
Thank you so much for your time! I know that you are a very busy person. Our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us your “Origin Story”? Can you tell us the story of how you grew up?
Myname is Iryna Wood, and I was born in Ukraine. Since childhood, I’ve had a deep passion for learning. As a reward for achieving excellent grades in school, instead of my parents buying me gifts, they would send me to stay with host families in European countries and the United Kingdom, so I could immerse myself in various languages and cultures. I earned two master’s degrees: one in International Economic Diplomatic Relations and the other in Psychology, both overseas.
Upon graduating from university, my parents urged me to join the family food production business. However, I felt called to a different path. I always enjoyed being a stranger abroad, where no one associated me with my parents or their legacy.
So, I followed my own way. I was deeply interested in spirituality, and by the age of 23, I had begun studying astrology and numerology. This led me to travel the world, attending various retreats, practicing meditation, participating in different coaching programs, and embarking on spiritual hikes in India, Sri Lanka, Bali, Spain, Portugal, and other countries.
These travel experiences, combined with years of studying under spiritual mentors, fueled my thirst for knowledge. This eventually led me to study professionally in fields such as Theta Healing, Reiki, astro-psychological healing, and relationship and personal coaching.
At 27, I moved to France, where I spent eight years and opened a boutique company focused on organizing events centered around spiritual, mental, and cultural growth. Over 12 years of practice, the most frequent question my clients asked was, “When will I meet my One?” or “How can I fix a relationship with my partner?” My answer to all my clients was the same: “Be yourself and concentrate on your calling, as the Universe opens all doors for those who serve it.”
Following my own advice: “FALL IN LOVE WITH YOURSELF FIRST, BEFORE YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH ANYBODY ELSE!” — I was fully engaged in my personal growth and helping others along their journeys.
One day, I was blessed to meet my soulmate, Ken Wood, and moved with him to the USA. My husband believed in my life’s work and helped me realize my dream of creating an app that would help people daily. His business mind combined with my professional expertise, and together, we brought to life GEMINI NEAR ME — the SELF-LOVE & Relationship Intelligence app.
Can you tell us a bit about what you do professionally, and what brought you to this specific career path?
Besides launching the GEMINI NEAR ME app, I continue counseling singles and couples on relationship matters. My vision for helping people always revolves around self-love, self-understanding, and self-acceptance, as well as fostering healthy, open communication with their partners. Talk to yourself first before you start talking to anybody else.
There are few reason why I have chosen this path:
Reason number 1: Since an early age, I was not searching for just a job, but a profession that aligned with my calling. I did a lot of spiritual research and studied my personality from different angles to discover my mission in life. This journey made me realize the importance of the self-discovery process — identifying gifts, talents, and true desires.
The second reason: As a woman, I had a strong belief that I would one day meet my “Mister Destiny,” and that happened at the age of 35. By then, I had ample time for self-awareness and had studied all possible and impossible manifesting techniques to master my mind and collaborate with the Universe, becoming a co-creator of my desired reality.
The third reason: Unfortunately, this one is not as joyful. My desire to help my father during his eight-year battle with illness deeply motivated me. Though I lost my dad, this period of time provided me with immense spiritual and professional knowledge.
You are a successful leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?
I am a keen observer and listener. I notice details that people often overlook in themselves, and these details are the key to their true personality or even their calling.
I am a patient intuition follower, as I believe in divine schedule. Everything happens for a reason, and at the right moment.
I am a passionate workaholic. I was blessed to discover my mission, as I mentioned before, and there hasn’t been a single day where I didn’t do something for people or my project, which was created for them.
Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that will help people?
I do! I just published my novel Who Cares About Your Ex. In October, I will be returning to my relationship podcast with a new co-host.
My favorite and most valuable project is GEMINI NEAR ME — our shared creation with my husband, launched on September 4th, 2024. I call it the app that is always there for you! It caters to both singles and couples. We offer two categories depending on what you are looking for: the SELF-LOVE category, for those who want to boost their self-esteem and gain confidence, or SMART TOGETHER, to strengthen your relationship. Both options include the same set of self-discovery tools for one or two, helping you get to know yourself better, as self-love is the foundation of all types of relationships, from personal to family and business.
We offer our subscribers daily affirmations, a motivational quote of the day, dream interpretation for a better understanding of your subconscious, inspirational cards, numerology with compatibility charts, birth chart readings with daily astrological guidance, manifesting journaling, electronic self-awareness diary, daily coaching exercises, relationship intelligence classes, and weekly meditations. Many more intriguing new features are coming soon.
For the benefit of our readers, can you briefly tell our readers why you are an authority on the topic of dating and finding love?
I don’t specialize in dating. However, as a woman, I have tried an endless list of manifesting techniques to attract my destiny, and it only happened when I understood myself psychologically and accepted myself as I am. Believe me, every therapist still does therapy for themselves. Spiritual growth is a never-ending process. I truly believe that self-love, self-understanding, self-acceptance, and a high level of energy are the strong foundation needed to attract all the necessary events and people into your life, including the love of your life. That’s why I included all the tools I’ve personally experienced, both as a woman and an expert, into the app.
Ok. Thank you for that. Let’s now shift to the main part of our discussion about ‘How To Navigate Our Complicated Modern World To Find Love’. Based on your experience, what is a common root cause of the “inability to find love”?
The world is definitely too fast nowadays, and people are making quick decisions, or not making them at all, out of fear of responsibility. Some of them choose to stay single because they consider it safer or drive through life under the influence of family, friends, or social media trends. As a result, many are unable to hear their true needs and desires.
Maybe you were guided by your parents to become an accountant and follow their family role model, but maybe you want something different for your profession and relationship.
Being honest with yourself and acting without fear while following your heart is a very challenging task.
What are some common misconceptions or myths about finding love in the modern world, and how can they be debunked?
“All men are cheaters” and “all women criticize.” It’s amusing when people judge the rest of the world based on their own unprocessed past experiences.
“You can change your partner.” People only change when they want to and are ready to do so.
“My karmic partner is my destiny.” Karmic partners are those you meet to work through necessary traits and embrace your karmic lessons before you meet the right one for you.
What advice do you have for individuals who feel overwhelmed or disillusioned by the challenges of modern dating, and how can they maintain hope and optimism in their search for love?
Don’t settle for average because of age, fear of being alone, or because your surroundings have certain expectations about your love life: house, marriage, kids, cats, and dogs.
If you haven’t met the one you can happily share life with, be patient and focus on yourself. Be curious about your true self — your traits, habits, gifts, and talents. Find something in life that you are passionate about, and dedicate your time to yourself and that calling. If it is your true path, unbelievable things will start happening to you. In the whirlwind of these events, when you least expect it, the right person will enter your life unexpectedly.
Let’s explore how the rise of social media and dating apps has impacted the way individuals approach and experience dating and relationships. Can you share a few dos and don’ts about how to use social media to find love?
I have never, ever in my life, been on an online dating site. Even before I got married, I always used my social media strictly for work. I encourage you to use the GEMINI NEAR ME app to get to know and understand yourself better. Let your focus shift inward, not outward, searching for a soulmate all over the place. Instead, dive deep into your heart. With this clarity of who you are and what you are looking for, you’ll see that your Mr. or Mrs. Right will appear in your life as if by magic.
I am a good example of this. I met my husband at my home in France when we were both helping our mutual friend, who had suffered a heart attack. A horrible accident, but that’s what I call destiny. Take care of yourself, and the Universe will take care of bringing important encounters into your life.
Can you share a few dos and don’ts about how to use dating apps to find love?
Don’ts: People try to pretend to be something they are not, using fake pictures and biographies. You can’t get a true sense of a person’s energy.
Do: If you are a strong believer, you can manifest and attract your destiny through any platform, including online dating.
Can you share a few dos and don’ts about looking for romance in real-life physical spaces like congregations, bars, markets, and conventions?
I don’t believe in the whole idea of “looking for love.” What is it? Red shoes? It doesn’t work like that. You can go to work and earn money, or go to the gym and build muscles. But love, in my opinion, is a gift.
You can meet your true love anywhere — just don’t look for it. It will come at the right time, when you are ready.
What are your thoughts about the challenges and opportunities that come with workplace romances?
Some companies forbid workplace relationships because of conflict resolution management, but if the love story is real, you can gain two inspired members of the team. People in love have a very high energy level and are willing to spread their happiness and kindness. Personally, I wouldn’t mind if our company became the place where two hearts meet.
Can you discuss the role of vulnerability and authenticity in forming meaningful connections and finding lasting love?
In previous centuries, people tended to marry early, and most of them didn’t have many life partners or the opportunity to compare relationship models. Nowadays, people go through a lot of dating before making their final choice. Different romances can bring different experiences, including painful or destructive memories. Sometimes, people close their hearts and are no longer able to meet new opportunities with an open heart. This can lead to a fear of being unaccepted or unappreciated for who they truly are.
Don’t forget the impact of social media. Nobody shares their real self — people try to project a happy image, celebrating life. I consider authenticity and vulnerability in some way to be your power. I believe that everyone will be loved and appreciated for who they are. Just be yourself!
Based on your experience or research, what are the “Five Things You Need To Navigate Our Complicated Modern World To Find Love”? If you can, please share a story or an example for each.
- Lack of self-love and self-appreciation — I’ve had many clients who, during individual therapy, were looking to meet their destiny. I used my signature method of creating an archetypal portrait of the client, and as they increased their self-worth, a love partner naturally entered their life without needing any special tools.
- Misunderstanding who you are and what you are looking for — If your conscious and subconscious parts are not in harmony, your dreams will have a hard time coming true. Work on understanding your subconscious.
- Absence of blind belief that your soulmate exists.
- Living in the past, giving away too much energy to unsuccessful past love experiences — People often dwell on past memories and blame their exes. In reality, they are just losing energy and nothing else changes. The past is unchangeable. Move forward!
- Living in fear and illusion about a future that will never happen if you don’t start taking care of your present, as it is the only thing you can truly master.
Do you have any favorite books, podcasts, or resources related to this topic that you would recommend to our readers?
The book Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. Definitely every woman should read to reconnect with their own “wild” authentic essence.
Hold Me Tight by Dr. Sue Johnson provides practical steps for couples to build stronger emotional connections and repair relationships.
And don’t forget to read my novel WHO CARES ABOUT YOUR EX
that helps you to manifest your dream life and highlights the significance of past partners in shaping who you are today.
You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂
I will open a safe place for broken-hearted people to help them heal their wounds and unlock their potential. Because when you are in pain, it is the perfect moment to connect with yourself, discover your calling, and realize why we were sent here on Earth.
How can our readers further follow your work online?
Social media:
My website is irynawood.com
App website www.gemininearme.com
Thank you so much for sharing these important insights. We wish you continued success and good health!