Navigating Conflict Resolution Strategies in Relationship Coaching
26 March 2024
Enhancing Mental Well-being: The Benefits of the CTM Method
29 March 2024The CTM method, or “Coaching through Meditation”, is a unique approach to revitalizing vitality and unlocking energy potential that I invented working with my clients in Monaco in 2015.
Ninety percent of our time is spent within the confines of our own minds – our emotional sanctuaries. The one thing we have absolute control over is our attention: wherever our attention goes, energy follows. Children delve into dreams, while adults often find solace in memories. Rarely do we linger in the present moment, embracing the “here and now.”
Throughout our lifetimes, we expend energy, much of which remains trapped within relationships and resonant situations, alongside suppressed emotions. This energy drain creates fissures within our energy bodies, intertwining our emotional, mental, and physical well-being.
They say it’s nerves that provoke illness, but in reality, it’s unaddressed emotions that do the trick. And just because we don’t express our emotions outwardly doesn’t mean they don’t exist. They’re merely buried deep within, making them even more challenging to confront – these are what we call repressed memories, consciously or unconsciously forgotten.
Sooner or later, we all confront traumatic situations: heart-wrenching breakups, bitter disappointments, the loss of cherished loved ones, or setbacks. Even situations of exuberant emotional excitement can catch us off guard if not acknowledged as pivotal moments.
The emotional blow that blindsides us is characterized by three criteria: it’s unexpected, deeply personal, and undeniably painful. Overflowing with emotions like sadness, depression, guilt, shame, or fear, these weighty memories become ingrained within us. Past experiences serve as triggers, automatically activated when similar situations or familiar patterns of behavior resurface.
This trigger-response mechanism stems from a system of entrenched beliefs rooted in the past. Unaddressed primary pain has a knack for resurfacing time and time again, siphoning energy from our future endeavors.
Many of life’s problems stem from erroneous beliefs, attitudes, and knee-jerk reactions to events. Life is the one school we can’t afford to skip. And if we try to, it’ll keep teaching us the same lessons until we learn.
“Coaching through Meditation” seamlessly blends two contrasting approaches: soothing subconscious work through meditation and empowering conscious motivation coaching. Meditation serves as your pathway to self-discovery, offering a deeper understanding of our true needs, relaxation, and the harmonization of energy within our bodies. Coaching, on the other hand, focuses on harnessing and directing the client’s attention toward achieving specific goals. Coaching-Meditation aids in restoring your emotional equilibrium by addressing painful memories, embracing constructive experiences, and reshaping limiting beliefs where sky is the limit.

Trust the Process!
– Iryna Wood , Relationship Specialist with Astrological Expertise